Saturday, December 12, 2009


I think God is trying to teach me humility.

Last night Jarrod invited some friends over to our house. I wasn't at home and did not know that he was planning on doing this. So our house was what I would consider a mess.

Today we had errands to run. Which means several different stores to go to. Starting with Wal-mart. There we are shopping and Crimson keeps kicking her shoes off. I finally get tired of continually putting them back on so I put them in the basket, right beside her. When we are paying for all of our stuff I notice that her shoes are no longer in the basket. I rushed through the store, going down every aisle we had been down to no avail. Her shoes are gone. We were not going to go home to get her some more, nor were we going to buy her some more. (I try not to pay more than $10 for a pair of shoes.) So she had to go about the rest of her day without shoes.

Then we were at Safeway. I went outside to get a coupon out of the car. When I came back in the store I see Jarrod taking a big, opened, and partly eaten candy bar away from Crimson. The cashier had seen her do it. Of course Simeon shared in the spoils.

Yep, it must be that I need to learn humility.

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