Tuesday, April 20, 2010

CVS Last Night

Last night we went to CVS.  I wanted to buy a Green Bag Tag and use the ECBs to buy two Starbucks Frappuccinos and two 3-packs of Ivory soap.  Well, they were all out of the bag tags so I set my other purchases on the counter along with my coupons (two for the frappuccinos and two for the soap).  The "difficult" woman was there.  I think I've decided that she's not really difficult, just very particular about coupons.  You will get some that will push the coupons without  making sure they are legit and you will get some that will pull out a magnifying glass to read the fine print.  Ok, a slight exaggeration there, but you get my point.  This lady would pull out a magnifying glass, if she had one, I'm sure.  Anyway she starts ringing me up and when she gets to the second coupon for the frappuccinos she tells me she has to do two different transactions.  I look at the coupon and tell her that it says "per purchase" and that means per item, not per transaction.  She tells me that they had a meeting earlier that day and they will now have to do all of these seperately.  I was very nice.  We did two different transactions and I told her that she's going to get a lot of people arguing with her, because this is not what the coupons say.

Out of curiousity I looked up the number for CVS today and called them.  I talked to a very nice woman who assured me that this is not their policy.  She even credited me a $1 ECB.  I assured her that I was not trying to complain, I just wanted clarification.  After that I called the store in hopes of getting some more clarification.  Perhaps this was a new store policy.  I was able to talk to the Head Store Manager that told me he thinks this lady was mistaken in what they discussed in their meeting.  I did learn that if any of your coupons beep then they will refuse them.  I'm thinking maybe I should just avoid this woman.  Now that makes it sound like I want to use coupons fraudulantly or something.  I don't.  I just don't like that this woman makes me feel like a criminal even when all the coupons work.  It's not like they won't get reimbursed for them.  I got a CVS coupon for $1 off some CVS product the other day.  I don't remember what it was, but I used it to get $1 off a travel size face scrub.  So I got it for free, I think.  Or, maybe $0.50.  This lady practically rolled her eyes as she rung me up.  I understand being particular about coupons, but she can lose the attitude.  I just might really complain next time. 

Now I'm in a tizzy and I'm supposed to be going to bed.  Ach!


The Revivalist said...

You weren't THAT nice to her. You were a little impatient... :)

TheWilsons said...

Yes, I was impatient with her. This woman has always been difficult. I could've been worse though.

Tami said...

So, someone that acts like you using coupons is taking money out of her paycheck. I'd avoid her also just because you shouldn't be treated like a criminal just for using coupons! Good for you for calling to get clarification! I hope CVS gets better for you! I love CVS!! :)

TheWilsons said...

I wish it did get better. I'm about to post about tonight's trip to CVS. I love CVS too! I might just start going to the one downtown.