Monday, August 3, 2009


I think I cook chicken too much. There are a lot of recipes for chicken, but if you think about it there's only so many ways to cook it. When you are thinking about your health you don't want to fry it too often. Sure you can boil it and do some kind of soup with it, but that gets old. And, boiled chicken is bland. Very bland. I think I'm just bored with chicken. I want to try something else. We have hamburger meat, but there's even fewer recipes for that. I want to cook some lamb or veal. I want to be more adventurous with my cooking. If Jarrod were reading this he would probably tell me that I'm already too adventurous with my cooking. Maybe it's just one of those days.
Right now I have dinner cooking in the oven. I've taken a casserole dish (rectangular pan with sides) and let the butter melt in it, in the oven, while the oven warmed up. I cut up some chicken breasts, potatoes, carrots, and corn and mixed those in with the melted butter. I sprinkled some seasoned salt on top and it's now cooking for 20 minutes. I'm debating whether or not to add the can of cream of chicken soup with the sour cream or without. Should I add cheese on top of that or let biscuits bake on top? Do I really need to make more biscuits? Do we have enough cheese? I'll let you know what I decide. I might even take a picture.

That reminds me. I took a picture of what I made the other night. It turned out really good. My intetion was to post a recipe with the picture, but I've already forgotten how I made it. See this is what happens. This is why I cannot make the same things twice unless I get it from some other recipe. I make it up as I go along and plumb forget how I did it. I made this really good chicken and biscuits recipe (trying to copy the chicken and biscuits from Cheesecake Factory) and plumb forgot how I made it. I kick myself every time I think about it. Anyway, here's what I made the other night.

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